вторник, 7 июля 2015 г.

A Letter To A Younger self.

I have seen quite a few people doing this, so I decided why the hack not?  Since I don’t have bunch of ideas. As far as my personal growth goes, I have progressed a lot. Now, I have more wisdom and I can share my thoughts with you. You can find this helpful and useful, but please, don’t  be afraid of making mistakes, because everybody does.  It’s an integral part of your life. You can’t erase it and if I had a slight chance of avoiding my mistakes, I wouldn’t do that. The troubles and difficulties that I came across, when I was younger, actually helped me to be the person I am today.  Enjoy it.
Dear younger me, you are weird. You are. Don’t try to hide it, face it. You are not cool and probably never will be. You are a strange, weird kid, whom nobody understands. And you know what? That’s fine. You don’t need them in your life. Most of them are going to fail right after high school. Even though they are cool and hip now, they are going to suck after school.
Why do you think they attack you? Why you? You did nothing to them, why are they so damn mean? Because you are different, they feel it, and more importantly, they are afraid of it. So don’t listen to them. Be yourself. Listen to the kind of music you like, dress up as you wish, dye your hair as you want. It’s hard now, but when you grow up, you are going to move out from this small redneck town. At the new place you will meet amazing people, who will accept you for you.
You are very gifted. You are. Don’t be hard on yourself, only because some narrow-minded underpaid public school teacher, who definitely not enjoying his life, wants to make you feel bad. Just don’t be lazy. Work hard to develop your natural abilities and talents. Yes, you are gifted, but in a strange way. You see world from different angles. But you know what? That’s awesome. The whole world needs people like you. You will bring so much light and positivity in this world, just believe in yourself.
Love your body. I know you hate it now. I’m going to shock you. You are very gifted as far as body type goes. You are very lucky. Appreciate that. You just have to be more concern with the food you put into your body. And one more thing – work out. You don’t like it now, but you will later. Everything you need is sport and some partially strict diet rules. And finally you will see, losing weight is quite simple.